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Congratulations to Carla the Conqueror after winning four medals in the USA....After a very tough three month pre-training program which included personal training from World champions Fran Salazar and Jordan Thomas on top of her England Natrional squad training , Carla managed to win 3 x Silver medals and 1 x Bronze medal over two competitions.
The first competition was the Junior International Cup on Friday 16th December held in Las Vegas, Carla was on fire in both the kata and kumite categories finally winning a silver medal in each discipline over eight rounds.
On Saturday 17th December, Carla competed in the tough USA Open in the Cadet Kata discipline and after scoring some exceptional marks she ended up winning a well deserved bronze medal. On Sunday the 18th December, Carla competed in the USA Open Cadet kumite category +54k and after four tough rounds manged a great silver medal.
The outstanding performances and success were down to Carla's continuous hard work and the great team around her.
The trip was finished off with some lovely sightseeing with mum and dad....
Thanks everyone involved.
Sensei Collin